Teacher transition

The Fork in the Road – A Teacher in Transition


Sometimes when we set out on a journey, we have a destination in mind. We know where we’re going, we plan how to get there, and we set out on our path. But inevitably, we encounter a fork in the road. We then have a choice to make, not always knowing where that choice will lead us. Sometimes forks in the road lead us right back to our original path. 

Other times, it takes us on a whole new adventure; with a new, glorious destination. If at any point though, we get going on the fork and realize this isn’t where we wanted to go, we can always turn around and make our way back to the original path. Sure, there might have been some time lost, but aside from that, there’s really no harm done exploring the rabbit trail. Chances are, we will experience some beauty along the way. 

No matter where we are on our journey, there’s always opportunities to adjust the route we’re taking; and if we get “off track” we can always readjust. But sometimes, the most fun to be had is when we take the fork in the road.

teacher career journey

Our Journey

I posted this on my personal social media in January 2021 with just a seed of an idea planted in my heart. In June 2021, we embarked on a journey to explore that fork in the road as I took a leave from teaching in the classroom to focus more time on my family and to explore some business and ministry endeavours that are on my heart. Then in January 2022, I fully resigned from my teaching position with Elk Island Public Schools to devote my time and energy to this fully.

It’s a bit nerve-racking going off the main trail, leaving what’s familiar, what I had planned. I loved being a part of the SCE community and there’s so much I will miss in the coming years (I am a 7 after all and FOMO is real). But there is so much excitement and anticipation for the adventures that await us as we explore this new, uncharted territory! Already, I have pivoted in my business from only offering my services as a virtual assistant to going back to my love and passion for education. My focus is narrowing in on helping families with middle school students who are struggling with literacy and communication skills. Our ministry also took a turn as my husband left his wonderful job in June to be able to take on more opportunities in a full time capacity. 

What's next?

We are continuing to homeschool our children and are looking forward to a year of journeying together as a family. You can be sure we will encounter more forks in the road, more opportunities that will force us to choose one way or another, but regardless what comes our way, I am confident in our ability to take each one together. 

teacher journey

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Literacy Tutor Krysta Koppel

Hi, I'm Krysta!

I am passionate about helping struggling students build vocabulary skills to strengthen their reading and writing skills.  As well, I empower parents with tools and strategies to help their children not just succeed but shine!

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